At Matakana School there are a number of excursions, fields trips and camps. Experiences outside the classroom are an important part of the curriculum and we believe will enforce learning by allowing students to make meaningful connections between what they have learnt in the class and the world beyond the classroom.

Taking students outside of their classroom also encourages them to embrace situations and challenges that promote personal growth and development, as well as team building.


Year 4 Camp:
During Term 1

Year 5 Camp:
During Term 1

Year 6 Camp:
During Term 2

Excursions and field trips

Excursions and field trips are an important part of learning at Matakana school. Throughout the year, trips are planned to allow students to make deeper and more meaningful connections to their studies at school. This applied learning is not only a way for students to expand their understanding, but another great opportunity for parents to be involved in their child’s learning by offering their help and support.

New Health and Safety regulations have made parent help and support key for the continuation of all our excursions, trips and camps. If you would like to get involved in future trips, please express your interest with your child’s teacher.